So if you read the last few posts, you will know that I have been doing a detox. Its called the Salt Flush and you guessed boy does it flush.....but. apart from that not much else as far as I can tell.
Although I do appear to have a mahousive (that's very big to you and I) spot on my chin which coincided nicely with a networking event that I attended with over 170 people!
Years ago a spot that big on my chin, would have mortified me. It would forced my confidence to drop and left me feeling very insecure and self conscious. I suppose that shows how I have grown as a business coach that I just don't sweat the little stuff anymore.
The fact is if a person does not want to work with me/know me because of a spot that speaks volumes about them not me.
I am far more appreciative of my strengths and far quicker to look over my less than perfect attributes (unless of course they affect others or the success of my life - I'm talking wobbly bits and bad hair days here.)
So the detox could be doing stuff on the inside that I can't see but not convinced. but hey ho, you live and you learn as I say.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
You know when you want to put something off.....
You know you have to do something, and you are the one that has to do one else can do it....but something your head.....and for some reason you find yourself doing anything but THAT.
It's like when you were at school and that dissertation had to be in on Monday morning and on Sunday night it still wasn't done, so what are you doing?
That's right, your watching songs of Praise. For everyone who has suffered from this, did you know it actually has a name in psychology?
Its Student syndrome.
Well, I think I have been hit by Student Syndrome this morning. Maybe its because of instead of waking up to blue skies bouncing of the yellow of my house I can see a grey grey day, but I just can't face THAT salt concoction!
But me being me (That's Mrs I set a goal, I'll achieve it - which by the way in business is great but in your personal life can get you in all sorts of trouble.)
I walked downstairs with intent purpose, strided into the kitchen and boiled the kettle.
As I stood there 5 minutes ago, and looked at that concoction I realised to do this every day for a week, I'm going to have to find a way to get it in my mind that it does not taste awful.(It tastes awful) I am going to have to get in mind that I am not going to throw and gag because of the taste down the back of my throat.
And then it hit me, Coaching hat went on and I thought what are the things I love and one of the things that I truly love is the sea, and guess what that is?
Yep it's salty.
So this morning as I downed that vile concoction (I am doing this to feel healthier I have to remind myself!) I imagined I was swimming in the beautiful calm, blue ocean with the sun beating down on my head and by accident I just happen to have swallowed a mug of water. Well the first bit seems to work. But that's okay because when you walk out of the sea, you lay on a bed, under a palm tree (minus coconuts - did you know how many people get injured by them each year?) and feel the warmth of the sun on your body. And that always feels healing.
So despite the tipping down of wet stuff from the sky this morning, I'm feeling dam near tropical. I can smell the cocktails being mixed at the bar and the wood fire to cook lunch has just been lit.
Apparently a vivid imagination is very useful in life.
Just writing this and drifting off to Carri bean beaches has made me(almost) completely forget about the foul taste.
Oh no. I just remembered what happens within the hour. mmmmm and I have to go out in 25 minutes. Another challenge for me then.
It will make me healthier, it will make me healthier - yeh Mandie keep telling yourself that one!
It's like when you were at school and that dissertation had to be in on Monday morning and on Sunday night it still wasn't done, so what are you doing?
That's right, your watching songs of Praise. For everyone who has suffered from this, did you know it actually has a name in psychology?
Its Student syndrome.
Well, I think I have been hit by Student Syndrome this morning. Maybe its because of instead of waking up to blue skies bouncing of the yellow of my house I can see a grey grey day, but I just can't face THAT salt concoction!
But me being me (That's Mrs I set a goal, I'll achieve it - which by the way in business is great but in your personal life can get you in all sorts of trouble.)
I walked downstairs with intent purpose, strided into the kitchen and boiled the kettle.
As I stood there 5 minutes ago, and looked at that concoction I realised to do this every day for a week, I'm going to have to find a way to get it in my mind that it does not taste awful.(It tastes awful) I am going to have to get in mind that I am not going to throw and gag because of the taste down the back of my throat.
And then it hit me, Coaching hat went on and I thought what are the things I love and one of the things that I truly love is the sea, and guess what that is?
Yep it's salty.
So this morning as I downed that vile concoction (I am doing this to feel healthier I have to remind myself!) I imagined I was swimming in the beautiful calm, blue ocean with the sun beating down on my head and by accident I just happen to have swallowed a mug of water. Well the first bit seems to work. But that's okay because when you walk out of the sea, you lay on a bed, under a palm tree (minus coconuts - did you know how many people get injured by them each year?) and feel the warmth of the sun on your body. And that always feels healing.
So despite the tipping down of wet stuff from the sky this morning, I'm feeling dam near tropical. I can smell the cocktails being mixed at the bar and the wood fire to cook lunch has just been lit.
Apparently a vivid imagination is very useful in life.
Just writing this and drifting off to Carri bean beaches has made me(almost) completely forget about the foul taste.
Oh no. I just remembered what happens within the hour. mmmmm and I have to go out in 25 minutes. Another challenge for me then.
It will make me healthier, it will make me healthier - yeh Mandie keep telling yourself that one!
Monday, 22 August 2011
Is this progress?
Well at the end of day one. I have had a corker of a stomach ache all day and a headache that is doing its best to out perform the gut pain. But I've had pain in both parts of my body for 8 months so this is just a different form or pain.
Not sure if that is what you would class as progress. but hey at least its something different.
Can't wait to get up in the morning and have my mug of salt water. mmmm. tasty.
Sarcasm? much?
My mum always said it was the lowest form of wit. Not sure what that says about me because I grew up in the generation of the Mary Whitehouse experience. and that was packed with the stuff.
So progress? Who knows but as Dad always says "Don't knock it until youv'e tried it!"
Not sure that is one of the best bits of advice my Dad's ever given me!
Not sure if that is what you would class as progress. but hey at least its something different.
Can't wait to get up in the morning and have my mug of salt water. mmmm. tasty.
Sarcasm? much?
My mum always said it was the lowest form of wit. Not sure what that says about me because I grew up in the generation of the Mary Whitehouse experience. and that was packed with the stuff.
So progress? Who knows but as Dad always says "Don't knock it until youv'e tried it!"
Not sure that is one of the best bits of advice my Dad's ever given me!
Am I really going to drink THAT!
So most of the time when I fancy writing a blog its been sparked by a coaching session with a business woman and it will be packed with ideas and solutions for other business women to benefit from.
But this one is different...
This blog is my personal blog, probably why it has laid dormant for over a year. But today is a special day.
Today I am giving myself full permission to be lazy, to veg out, to relax and chill.
I'm not going to work today at all, which is so rare for me. Now adays I can always find time to "just" answer that email, get that report dashed off, send that doc over, right a blog. But today is going to be all about me.
This year has been really tough, no use denying it - I have something wrong with me that has left me exhausted, in pain and feeling really poorly and the doctors are drawing a blank. Actually they have 2 and 2 and are coming up with 5 but you get the idea. (Someone asked how do I feel and for a change I honestly answered "I feel like a have a hangover and flu, and Ive been feeling like that for 8 months" Honesty is not always the best policy - I don't think she had a clue what to say to that.)
So a month a go I read that a detox can clear out your system of toxins, impurities and well crap to help the body restore order and feel well. And having tried, antibiotics, Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Vitamins, supplements, Counselling, Osteopaths, and countless other suggestions to feel well - I thought why not?
Until I read it consisted of only drinking Maple Syrup, Chilli, Lemon and water for 7 days!
I did it (I can be very determined when I want to be - or is that stubborn!) and I don't know about cured, but I definitely had more energy for a little while and my normal spotty teenage skin looked lovely.
But as the schools hols come to an end, I'm all too aware that life is about to get very frantic again and since my health is as good as 10 week old lettuce leaf in the Sahara - I thought I have to do something and then I remembered the detox....
The thing is I can't face just sipping that concoction for 7 days, I need food!
So I looked around and found an alternative.
mmmm it sounded good. But two hours in I'm not so sure it was a good idea.
You see before breakfast at around 7am I'm to drink a cup of very salty water (thats 2 teaspoons of the stuff!) Not only does it taste foul, leave you feeling sick, it also is definitely working.
When I say working I mean is that my 5th or 6th trip to the bathroom?
Well it does say that you can eat lightly throughout so it sounded so harmless.
It is supposed to clear you out - Yep it is definitely doing THAT.
I will let you know how I get on.
The thing is what I failed to appreciatee is the voracity of the clear out and here's the thing. In 3 hours time I'm supposed to get on my bike and take the children crabbing and out for lunch with friends.
Oh this could be so funny. Mmmm not sure if funny is the right word. but getting stressed won't help much will it!
But this one is different...
This blog is my personal blog, probably why it has laid dormant for over a year. But today is a special day.
Today I am giving myself full permission to be lazy, to veg out, to relax and chill.
I'm not going to work today at all, which is so rare for me. Now adays I can always find time to "just" answer that email, get that report dashed off, send that doc over, right a blog. But today is going to be all about me.
This year has been really tough, no use denying it - I have something wrong with me that has left me exhausted, in pain and feeling really poorly and the doctors are drawing a blank. Actually they have 2 and 2 and are coming up with 5 but you get the idea. (Someone asked how do I feel and for a change I honestly answered "I feel like a have a hangover and flu, and Ive been feeling like that for 8 months" Honesty is not always the best policy - I don't think she had a clue what to say to that.)

So a month a go I read that a detox can clear out your system of toxins, impurities and well crap to help the body restore order and feel well. And having tried, antibiotics, Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Vitamins, supplements, Counselling, Osteopaths, and countless other suggestions to feel well - I thought why not?
Until I read it consisted of only drinking Maple Syrup, Chilli, Lemon and water for 7 days!
I did it (I can be very determined when I want to be - or is that stubborn!) and I don't know about cured, but I definitely had more energy for a little while and my normal spotty teenage skin looked lovely.
But as the schools hols come to an end, I'm all too aware that life is about to get very frantic again and since my health is as good as 10 week old lettuce leaf in the Sahara - I thought I have to do something and then I remembered the detox....
The thing is I can't face just sipping that concoction for 7 days, I need food!
So I looked around and found an alternative.
mmmm it sounded good. But two hours in I'm not so sure it was a good idea.
You see before breakfast at around 7am I'm to drink a cup of very salty water (thats 2 teaspoons of the stuff!) Not only does it taste foul, leave you feeling sick, it also is definitely working.
When I say working I mean is that my 5th or 6th trip to the bathroom?
Well it does say that you can eat lightly throughout so it sounded so harmless.
It is supposed to clear you out - Yep it is definitely doing THAT.
I will let you know how I get on.
The thing is what I failed to appreciatee is the voracity of the clear out and here's the thing. In 3 hours time I'm supposed to get on my bike and take the children crabbing and out for lunch with friends.
Oh this could be so funny. Mmmm not sure if funny is the right word. but getting stressed won't help much will it!
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