So today was a "busy office
" kind of a day. normally my days are split between clients and office and meetings and networking. But today thanks to a great Business Womans network event yesterday I have lots to do. I love to ensure that if I can think of any contacts for business women in attendance then I will ensure that I forward contact details and ideas a.s.a.p.

So hence a busy office kind of day. The only problem was that yellow thing appeared in the sky. And since I am a person who hates the cold winter and would rather peel her eyelids off and boil them than go ski-ing, quite frankly it was a sight for sore eyes!
That glorious sunshine does funny stuff to us humans. You notice people walking slower and looking around and even experiencing smiles on their faces. Instead of collar up, head down and get to your destination as quick as possible before you freeze to the pavement.
So it would have been better if today was an out visiting clients kind of a day, so that Kings of Leon could have been blaring out and my shades could have been attached to the bridge of my nose.
But then as I sat there like a child in double history on a Friday afternoon on a warm sunny July day. I remembered a wonderful fact.
I am self employed! No one is forcing me to be here. I did not have to clock in and work hours stipulated by some one else. I can come and go as I please.
One of the reasons I chose this career path, IS because I wanted to be my own boss.
So I took full advantage of that today. I shut the laptop lid, I grabbed Stupadog's lead and grabbed my shades. On Mersea Island today the tide was huge so me and Dad (who was grabbed as I passed his door.) headed to look at that wonderfully calming beautiful sight, the sea sparkling in the sun, gently lapping the top of the beach, and hiding all of the sea walls.
It was stunning, and I did not have to miss it - Thanks to my choice of career. Fantastic.
I think sometimes it is good to stop, and be aware of why you are doing what you are doing. The plans you put into place 5 years ago, are they still what you want today? Do they still fulfill your life and make you happy?
For me as I strolled home with a salty sandy stupadog admiring the shoots and buds of spring and the crocus's and snowdrops I really appreciated that my business gives me even more than I had realised.
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