Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Melons are parts of a woman's body?

"Tesco, the UK supermarket, couldn’t sell big, fleshy melons. Research by a psychologist suggested that women were subconsciously comparing them with their breasts. So Tesco’s growers have been asked for melons no more than 1lb 3oz in weight, which equates to a C cup (Daily Telegraph 1999)"

I saw this and it made me wonder?

When we go shopping what else have supermarkets, consumer groups and psychologists decided we need to see, hear and feel when we go shopping? and taking that one step further where else are these studies put into practice?

Its not me worrying about a big brother environment, more the case if I knew about the outcome of these studies could I control my shopping patterns, my moods or my ability to return from a shopping trip not feeling like a fat heifer because I am not a size 6?

Wouldn't it be great if you could always return from a shopping trip regardless of how many gorgeous bags you are carrying and feel great?

But then I just remembered I have that ability. Its just a case of whether I decide to put it into practice or not.

I am currently looking for a gorgeous suit - But as yet its not materialised, but despite 3 unsuccessful shopping trips. I am not remotely dejected. Firstly I have enjoyed a stroll around the shops, secondly I have managed 2 meals out, thirdly a couple of gorgeous dresses have been bought, fourthly I bumped into some friends and enjoyed impromptu coffee, and lastly but most importantly a big trip to Lakeside beckons!

If I get no suit will I get dejected? No - and do you know why?
There is always a reason to why things happen, it would just mean my dream suit is not at lake side. Coaching has taught me that there is always another answer I just don't know it yet, and I really enjoy trying new options and getting what I want. So where ever you are dynamic outfit I will find you.

And how this relates to melons? Well the next time I am in the shops I will be wondering what subliminal messages are being sent my way?

Sunday, 1 February 2009

What does that stand for again? Oh yes Seasonal affected disorder isint it? I reackon it could also be sad and depressed or so against dark days. Do you note from my tone my lack of normal enthusiasm and energy? Well there are few reasons for this.

Firstly Hubby has flown back off to the other side of the world - a girl could get a complex about that you know!

Secondly we have had another day of freezing temperatures and the heating on so high the boiler is demanding rights to 4 weeks holiday and sick pay. When the weather is like this ( and now we are sat in a snow blizzard!) I just want to curl up in bed with laptop and book any holiday out of here. I would even consider a larger and chips spain holiday if it included sun and warmth.

I am not the kind of person that thinks there is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing I am the kind of person who never wants to wear a cagool or wellies and would happily burn thermals too. I like the sun, strolling along the beach and building sand castles with the kids.

Making snowmen would be fine if it was only 30 degrees warmer!

My son doesnt get my hate of the snow. I sometimes question my lack of britishness with regards to the white stuff. May be it comes from 9 years of working in the car trade and knowing how badly cars stay on the road up the right way. Maybe its because I fell over when I was 20 and spent the next 3 months laying on my back, or perhaphs it comes from boating with icles hanging off of the handrails or maybe its because its too just too cold and wet for my liking.
What ever the reason, for about half a milli second I think "mmmm that looks pretty" and the rest of the time I am thinking "er cold" It brings my mood down to miserable faster than two kids can when they walk in the house from school and trash the place in 3 seconds. "What house work"

Oh well I have had my moan, I will concentrate on the fact that I have daffodils in a vase in the front room, and when walking the dog yesterday I noticed tiny buds sprouting up and baby shoots poking their heads out of the ground. Now they must know something I dont, so spring MUST be on the way - So perhaps S.A.D could stand for Spring against Depression. I like it. Sunshine, beaches and barbies are nearer than they felt an hour ago, Snow what snow - Its barmy tropical evening here in the holgate home.

Hey I think I am getting some of my normal energy and enthusiasm coming back. A bath and a battle on the wii could be due. "Harry, Sophie Mummy is going to whip your butts at Raymans Ravin Rabbids dance game again!"...