Monday 22 August 2011

Is this progress?

Well at the end of day one. I have had a corker of a stomach ache all day and a headache that is doing its best to out perform the gut pain. But I've had pain in both parts of my body for 8 months so this is just a different form or pain.

Not sure if that is what you would class as progress. but hey at least its something different.

Can't wait to get up in the morning and have my mug of salt water. mmmm. tasty.

Sarcasm? much?

My mum always said it was the lowest form of wit. Not sure what that says about me because I grew up in the generation of the Mary Whitehouse experience. and that was packed with the stuff.

So progress? Who knows but as Dad always says "Don't knock it until youv'e tried it!"

Not sure that is one of the best bits of advice my Dad's ever given me!

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